If you’re set on having an adult-only wedding, there are a few ways to go about it without offending anyone.
It can be a tricky subject, but we have all the information you need to make youe request as politely as possible.
Read on to find out more.
How to Say No Kids at Wedding: A Guide for Couples
You’re Not Alone: Many Couples Choose to Have an Adult-Only Wedding
You’re not alone if you’re planning an adult-only wedding! Many couples choose to have an adult-only wedding for a variety of reasons.
Maybe you want to avoid the hassle of planning activities for kids, or maybe you want your wedding day to be a more grown-up affair. Whatever your reasons, there are plenty of other couples out there who have made the same choice!
Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re planning an adult-only wedding:
1. Make Sure to Include This Information on Your Wedding Website and Invitations.
This will avoid any confusion or hurt feelings down the road.
2. If You Have Guests Who Are Parents of Young Children, Consider Offering Them a Babysitting Service for the Evening.
This way, they can still enjoy your wedding without having to worry about their kids.
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Firm About Your Decision.
You shouldn’t have to justify your choice to anyone, so if someone gives you a hard time about it, just politely remind them that this is your wedding and you’re entitled to have it the way you want it.
4. At the End of the Day, Remember That You’re Not Alone in This Decision.
There are plenty of other couples out there who have chosen to have an adult-only wedding, so you’re definitely in good company!
You could try saying something like this;
Dear Guests, we love you all very much but we have decided to make our wedding an adults-only affair.
We hope you understand and we can’t wait to see you all there!
There’s No Need to Feel Guilty About Asking Guests to Leave the Kids at Home
It’s perfectly understandable to want to keep your wedding kid-free. Weddings can be expensive, and having kids around can add even more costs.
Plus, let’s be honest:
Not all kids are well-behaved, and they can be downright disruptive. So if you’re considering asking guests to leave the kids at home, don’t feel guilty about it!
Here are a few reasons why it’s perfectly acceptable to say no kids at your wedding:
1. Kids Can Be Expensive.
If you’re trying to save money on your wedding, having fewer kids around can help. Not only do you have to pay for their meals, but you may also need to factor in things like childcare, activities, and favors.
2. Kids Can Be Disruptive.
Even the best-behaved kids can be noisy and disruptive during a wedding ceremony or reception. If you want your wedding to be a calm and elegant affair, it’s probably best to keep the kids at home.
3. Not All Guests Will Be Comfortable Around Kids.
Some guests may not be comfortable around kids, especially if they don’t have any of their own. If you want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable at your wedding, it’s probably best to keep the kid-free.
4. You Can Still Have Kids at Your Wedding.
Just because you’re not inviting kids to your actual wedding doesn’t mean you can’t still have them be a part of your big day.
If you have nieces, nephews, or other young relatives, you can still ask them to participate in other ways.
5. It’s Your Wedding, So You Can Do What You Want!
At the end of the day, it’s your wedding and you can do what you want. If you don’t want kids at your wedding, that’s your prerogative!
You shouldn’t feel guilty about it.
Consider Your Options Carefully Before Making a Final Decision
When it comes to deciding whether or not to have kids at your wedding, it’s important to consider all of your options carefully before making a final decision.
There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument, so it’s important to weigh them all out before making a decision that’s right for you and your wedding.
On the one hand, some couples feel that having kids at their wedding makes it more fun and festive. They enjoy seeing the little ones running around and enjoying themselves, and they feel that it adds to the overall atmosphere of the day.
On the other hand, some couples feel that having kids at their wedding can be disruptive and distracting. They worry about the noise level, and they don’t want to deal with the hassle of trying to keep them under control.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to have kids at your wedding is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, and it’s important to do what’s best for you and your wedding.
If you’re on the fence about whether or not to have kids at your wedding, consider your options carefully and make a decision that’s right for you.
Be Prepared to Handle Some Pushback From Disappointed Guests
If you’ve decided to have a child-free wedding, you may be prepared for some pushback from disappointed guests.
Here are a few tips for how to handle it:
- Be respectful and understand that your guests may be disappointed.
- Explain your reasons for why you’ve decided to have a child-free wedding.
- Let your guests know that you understand and respect their decision if they choose not to attend.
- Thank your guests for their understanding and support.
Keep Your Sense of Humor It’ll Help!
It’s no secret that weddings can be a stressful time. There are a million little details to think about and sometimes it can all feel a bit overwhelming.
But one thing that can help you through the craziness is to keep your sense of humor. Trust me, there will be plenty of moments during the wedding planning process and on the big day itself when you’ll need to laugh to keep from crying.
So, take a deep breath and try to enjoy the ride. And if you need a good laugh, here are a few funny stories about weddings gone wrong that will definitely help you keep your sense of humor.
FAQs in Relation to How to Say No Kids at Wedding
How do you politely decline kids at a wedding?
If you do not want children at your wedding, you can politely decline by saying that the wedding is an adults-only event.
You can also say that you are sorry but the venue does not allow children, or that the wedding is a formal affair and only guests over the age of 18 are invited.
How do you ask no children on a wedding invitation?
If you do not want children at your wedding, you can specify that on your invitations. For example, you might write “Adults only” or “No children under 18.”
Is it rude to say no kids at wedding?
It is not rude to say no kids at wedding.
Is it OK to request no kids at a wedding?
It is perfectly fine to request that no children be present at your wedding. In fact, many couples choose to do so in order to avoid any potential disruptions or problems that may arise.
However, it is important to be aware that some guests may be offended by this request and may choose not to attend the wedding as a result.
There is no right or wrong way. Be mindful of your guest’s feelings. But remember, it is your special day! If handled delicately, there will surely be no upset caused.
We hope this guide has been helpful in giving you some ideas on how to say no kids at wedding without feeling guilty or offending guests. Remember, it’s your big day and you get to make the rules!
If you’re planning a wedding, WedBuddy is the perfect resource for you. We have everything you need to make your big day perfect, from advice on how to say no kids at wedding to a directory of vendors in your area. Whatever you need, WedBuddy has it covered!